Supporting materials for "Perceived Impact and Feasibility of Health Equity Policy Actions among Obesity Practitioners, Researchers, and Policymakers"

Published: 18 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6z94cbyt2r.1


This is supplementary materials from a research survey of U.S. public health practitioners, local policymakers, and researchers active in obesity policy or health equity. They were surveyed to identify local policy actions most salient for addressing health equity. The survey was conducted August through November 2020. It asked respondents to select the most important health equity policy actions and rate them for potential impact for reducing health disparities and feasibility to put in place in the next five years. The Institutional Review Board of Washington University in St. Louis approved this study (IRB ID Number: 202006056). Supplementary materials include the survey questionnaire, additional research methods and policy action definitions and results summaries from analysis that were not included in the publication.


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the publication: These supplementary materials, specifically the survey questionnaire and additional methods and policy action definitions will enable reproducibility of this research.


Pardee RAND Graduate School, Washington University in St. Louis, Emory University, University of Illinois at Chicago, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Public Health


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

